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Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Our first aim is ensuring our customers’ requirements, all requirements about work and costs.


Our Principles;


  • While present best Quality assembly products and Installation cares,​

  • To protect of environment and human health,​

  • To be a company which they are proud for participated of this company and to handle always their morale at high level.​

  • To perform the highest standard for human health and safety Works, To handle work ethics firstly on all activities.​

  • While Our Quality management increasing the quality level As a result of that reducing costs.​

  • We will create an ambition open to participation and changing working as a team inside the Mutually cooperation and confidence, we will take target always as improvement and development.​

  • With our having sources, experience, knowledge accumulations we will design and assembly to suit high reliable assembling and product criterions at superior quality and technological properties.​

  • We will complete outer customer’s contract and requirements completely.​

  • We will supply and increase their pleasures with technical support and after finishing work Services.​

  • To supply our interior customers pleasures, and we will make this continuous. We will be more sensitive and responsible for safety Works

Health & Safety

Health & Safety

We try to effort for providing safety activity conditions to protect injuries in working time and to assert a high standard about protection of environment.

If necessary new precautions are developed for everybody's health can be effected from our Activities, for their safety and to protect environment, In addition to be taken effective Precautions for personals assets and their information.


While applying these precautions;


  • We spent efforts effectively to develop high safety conscious among the every personals related with their activities, to develop discipline and individual responsibility that makes necessary as to be taken as a basic principle that every injuries can be prevented during the working period.​

  • We expect to attitude from all personnel’s at high level health, safety and environment Protection conscious and we provide the requirements knowledge and support to them for Having this ability.​

  • We establish the precautions and provide to participate actively for improving safety conscious and protections their health, safety and development as taken into considerations of on their responsibility inside the hierarchy structure.​

  • We provide to obey health, safety and protections of environment standards from personnel’s under the our control and we stipulate them to apply completely.​

  • We are being taking precautions to prevent accidents, reduction to the least level and Compensate harms coming from accident.​

  • We are been participated to employer company's seminars to purpose of development Practical and economical health and safety precautions during the working period.​

  • Also in the long time planning we take into considerations probable requirements and Expected matures mentioned above on all fields in the future.​

  • Meal, sheltered and personnel cleaning places and equipment’s are provided conveniently to universal standards and health conditions.

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